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Selected category Dialog

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Image Name Download
APR Dialogs 1.3.2 412
Browse Dialog 1.0 452
Input Dialog 1.0 551
KTS Color Dialog 2.01 296
Media Dialogs 1.0b3 609
PBFolder Dialog 916
PBPreviw 486
pickdlg 1.4 343
PrintDialogEx 1.0.0 367
Progress Display 1.4 737
TBrowseDlg 1.0 1032
TColorButton 1.0 481
TDcjRegistryDlg 0.80B 360
TDirDialog 1.2.0 333
TEuMessageDialog 1.0.0 418
TextOpen 1.0 327
TExtOpenDialog 1.0 483
Tips of the day 1.0.5 451
TMsg 1.0 337
TMSNPopUp 5.0 888
TMWMsg 1.3 374
TOpenDialogEx, TSaveDialogEx 1.0 343
TPJMessageDialog 1.0 344